

Hello blog. I've been ignoring you...at least the you that people see. Your draft box is full of words that need editing. But that does little to satisfy the masses. I don't know what to say to rectify this rift I've caused with you blog...I was on holiday sounds like a cheap excuse BUT it's true...I've been away. Here's a picture as proof!

Venice Beach

And I probably shouldn't tell you this (it's like a dirty little secret) but I toyed with the idea of moving over to Tumblr. They have an app, you know. But now I've come back. Will you accept me back blog?




  1. I like the lady LACMA. She looks perplexed. I like your blog and I'm sure it'll forgive you.

  2. Don't drop us for Tumblr ! Lost more of these excellent uS sketches - they're the strongest I've seen u do . The States brought out the inner gesture sketched in you & the architectural pics were starting to have strong atmosphere.
