
Road Trippin'

As some of you may have guessed from the last post, I've recently been on the continent and was one of the hundreds of thousands of stranded Brits. The ferry terminal was about the closest thing to being 'The Dunkirk evacuations: Part Deux' but with civilians instead of soldiers. Anyway...we ended up road tripping from Geneva to Calais and waiting it out for a ferry. Fun way to end a holiday, although rather expensive, and the 'effing insurance companies aren't paying out due to 'act of God'...which rather ironically, they told me on a Sunday, the Sabbath day...so what are they doing at work if they believe in God??Isn't that some kind of sin? Well I'm pretty sure they're going to hell anyway...

Some of our fellow travellers from around Europe...everyone kind of turned up at the ports and then stood around with no idea how to actually get across the channel. Lots of very tired, frustrated, bemused, anxious and betwixed people.

1 comment:

  1. Nice batch-lady in stripy sweater, middle top & lady middle right have the right amount of looseness.
